Sunday 24 August 2014

Shed resurrection.

So! Dan spent most of Saturday afternoon making a start on the shed. I know it's just a shed but we are very excited about what it will turn out like.
We have some wood that we got for free off a recycling website and a recycled door. We like the fact that our shed will be made from all different pieces and be unique.

First of all Dan made a frame with the wood. He then attached the original corrugated pieces onto the back, front and sides. He is hoping to use some more pieces for the roof.

He painted the door that we got and has hung this.We would like to clad the inside with wood but haven't made a final decision on this yet. We also have to put a floor in and then put shelves and storage inside. Jack was really excited when all this was going on and was being very helpful by passing things to daddy. He does however think that daddy is just building the shed for him and that he is going to have all his toys in it.

It's now been a few days since we were able to get to the allotment. We were kindly given three more windows and some more wood for the shed.  Dan has worked hard and has got the roof on. We have put a large piece of EPDM roof rubber on top of the steel. He has made a base for the floor and we are going to hopefully put the floor boards in any day. The light in the evening isn't lasting as long as it was a few weeks ago so time is limited.

It is now Saturday again and Dan spent another day bodging together the last bits of the shed. He has used a large piece of thick clear plastic, left by the previous owner for the window. We did this instead of the small window with the intention of possibly growing seedlings inside.

Dan has found some pale blue paint in our garage, which he will use to paint the shed.

This is our shed before.

This is our shed now. Although it isn't finished yet, it has come along way. We have a little more to do on the outside , and then we will begin on the interior.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog via twitter and I just wanted to say I LOVE your shed! Well done you for reusing things to make it.
